
Grace Notes: Collected Short Stories, by Gordon Lawrie

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Grace Notes: Collected Short Stories, by Gordon Lawrie

20 collected short stories selected from a decade of writing. Make sure you select the ebook version you want.

(But if you mess up, just use the Contact Form on the website, and I'll sort it out for you.)

[NB: Price is £1.66 in UK + VAT = £1.99. Local taxes may vary.]

NOTE: If you have the SLIGHTEST problem downloading, please get in touch directly at gordon@comelybankpublishing.com. I'll send you whatever file you need directly asap.

If you have trouble loading a file onto your Kindle, another option is to download the epub file and go to https://www.amazon.com/sendtokindle. Then follow the instructions. I tried it and it worked.

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Ebook for Kindle or IPad

82,000 words (400 pages approx)
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